Accepted Papers & Guidelines

Accepted Papers
The abstract of accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Full papers will be published in (2-3 issue of IRAQI JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE SCIENCES (Print ISSN: 0075-0530 Electronic ISSN: 2410-0862 and Each published paper in Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. has a digital object identifier (DOI) number. The Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. Indexing Across: Scopus (Q2), Clarivate, DOAJ, Scilit, Publons, EuroPub, Indexcopernicus, Resurchify, OAIJ (Open Academic Journals Index), ORES Science Platform, Scholarimpact, ISI (International Scientific Indexing), MIAR (Universitat de Barcelona), DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), ADL (Asian Digital Library), SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank), IASJ (Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals), J4F (journals 4 free), Semantic Scholar, Science Open, DFAF, KC (Kind Congress), JIF, IJIF, GIF, Genamics Journal Seek, EUROPEAN SCIENCE EVALUATION CENTER, Mostwiedzy, Mendeley, VULibrary, SCISPACE, paperpile, exaly, ДИССЕРНЕТ, EZB.editage. maqsurah.