The Role Of Digital Technologies In The Sustainable Preventive Preservation Of Heritage And Historical Sites
Author/s: Engineer Ghassan Hassan Hammoud[1]. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Mamoury[2] . Dr. Younis Mahmoud…
A Design-Agnostic Framework for the Salvage and Reverse-Engineering of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Author/s: Thoalfaqqar Sabah Saleh1.* Ibrahim Ismael Hamarash2 1Hephaestus, Kurdistan Region, Iraq 2Departemnt of Electrical…
Optimizing Solar Integration and Power Flow Analysis for Enhanced Grid Performance in Sulaimani City
Author/s: Msc. Rebwar Omer Mohammed Lecturer at the University of Sulaimani / Iraq Email:…
Towards Parks for All – a Case of the Manara Park, Erbil, Iraq
Author/s: Salem Tarhuni 1* Shad Sherzad 2 Shahd Ahmed 3 1,2,3 Department…
The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Concrete’s Properties: A Comparative Study
Modern Methods and Artificial Intelligence in Stormwater Harvesting as Sustainable Solutions
Effect of NR-LDPC Codes on the Uplink Massive MIMO
The Impact of Street Connectivity on Social Interaction: A Comparative Study of Baxtyari and Iskan Streets in Erbil City
Adaptive Resource Scaling Algorithm for Serverless Computing Applications
CNN Model with MDWT2 and different parameters for Early Breast Cancer diagnosis
Feasibility Study and Economic Consideration of Rooftop PV System for Replacing of Diesel Generators in Erbil City
Multi-Factor Classification Using Deep Learning for X-Ray Image Classification
Enhancing Transportation Efficiency with the Aid of GNSS-RTN Technology
Provision a generalizable approach to the ranking of credible Twitter users
Community Detection by ELPMeans: An Unsupervised Approach That Uses Laplacian Centrality and Clustering
Biomimicry-based approach to enhance energy efficiency in an office building
A study of the continuity of architectural identity through visibility analysis Houses in Erbil city as a case (1900-2020)
A Comprehensive Literature Review of Wound Rotor Induction Motor Drive System by Rotor Impedance Variation
Computation of Hydraulic Performance for Ogee Spillway with Bucket type Energy Dissipater using CFD
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