The Role Of Digital Technologies In The Sustainable Preventive Preservation Of Heritage And Historical Sites
Author/s: Engineer Ghassan Hassan Hammoud[1]. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Mamoury[2] . Dr. Younis Mahmoud…
A Design-Agnostic Framework for the Salvage and Reverse-Engineering of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Author/s: Thoalfaqqar Sabah Saleh1.* Ibrahim Ismael Hamarash2 1Hephaestus, Kurdistan Region, Iraq 2Departemnt of Electrical…
Optimizing Solar Integration and Power Flow Analysis for Enhanced Grid Performance in Sulaimani City
Author/s: Msc. Rebwar Omer Mohammed Lecturer at the University of Sulaimani / Iraq Email:…
Towards Parks for All – a Case of the Manara Park, Erbil, Iraq
Author/s: Salem Tarhuni 1* Shad Sherzad 2 Shahd Ahmed 3 1,2,3 Department…
Applications of Different Types of Cement in Construction Industries and Their Environmental Impacts: Review
Deep Learning for Resource Allocation in NOMA: A Comprehensive Review with Consideration of Classical User Grouping Methods
The Effects of Adding MWCNTs on Fatigue properties of Epoxy and Composites Reinforced with Pre-Stressed Fiber
The impact of the morphological dimension of digital architecture on the strategic value of the urban fabric.
Age and Gender Prediction Using Deep Learning Algorithms on Human Face Images
Addition effect of partially stabilized zirconia (ZrO2.Y2O3) filler on some properties of unsaturated polyester resin base matrix composite for In-Vivo applications
Analysis and Infrastructure Suggestion for a Reactive Emergency Incident Management System: case of enhancing an existing legacy system for Hewler city
Big data analytics for smart cities
GIS integration with AHP and Frequency Ratio Methodologies for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Choman District, Iraq
Cryptanalyze shift register based-Stream Cipher Using Innovative DNA Trees Clustering Model to
Metaheuristic Algorithms in Optimization and its Application: A Review
An Experimentally study of the effect of hot water flow rate on solar collector systems
Predicting First-Year Engineering Student Dropout Using Data Mining: A Case Study at Salahaddin University-Erbil
Comparing the Performance of Active and Passive Suspension Systems for a ¼ Vehicle using MATLAB/Simulation
Developing IT Service Management in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of ITIL Implementation in Universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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