Siham M. Kareem, Hardi K. Abdullah*, Saya J. Rashid
Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq, 44001.
* Corresponding author:
Smartphones today, which outnumber people worldwide in terms of accounts, do more than just connect people; they also serve as a practical tool for increasing the sustainability of cities. This research focuses on smartphone applications and their role in reducing transportation problems to form the ideal sustainable city. The problem found in the current transportation system in our cities reduces the sustainability of the city, and the questions of this study are: what is the effect of digital communication (smartphone applications) on the transportation system in the city? and can digital communication make cities more sustainable through its effect on transportation system? The methodology of this research is descriptive and analytical, through offering examples of smartphone applications and specified advantage and disadvantage of each example used in transportation system through reducing transportation problems to form the ideal sustainable city. The research concludes that digital communication has a positive impact on transportation system, in which it helps in reducing most transportation problems in our cities and contributes to sustainable cities.
Keywords: Digital communication; transportation system; sustainable city; smartphone applications