Engineer Ghassan Hassan Hammoud[1].
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Mamoury[2] .
Dr. Younis Mahmoud Muhammad[3].
[1] 1-PhD student in the Department of Architecture – University of Technology – Iraq.
[2]2-Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering – University of Technology-
[3]3-Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture – University of Technology
With the rapid technological progress witnessed in recent decades and the emergence of sustainability policies as a human response to the challenges facing our planet, the concept of preservation has acquired new dimensions. It is no longer just a mechanism for preserving and maintaining historical and heritage buildings, but has evolved into a strategy that supports sustainable preservation and contributes to extending the life and vitality of these buildings over time.
This research will address three main axes. The general scope of the study addresses historical and heritage buildings, the main challenges they face, and their preservation mechanisms. The specific scope of the study focuses on identifying preservation policies within the traditional framework and moving towards sustainable preventive preservation, highlighting the most important digital technologies used. The practical scope of the study explores the applications of preventive preservation in some historical sites, where digital technologies have been applied. The research hypothesis assumes that advances in digital technologies and their applications play a crucial role in achieving preventive preservation of heritage and historical sites as a sustainable strategy.
This includes systematic documentation of historical sites and buildings, recording and managing information, and regular monitoring processes. Through analyzing different applications, the research concluded that digital technologies are a key factor in achieving sustainable preventive conservation of heritage and urban sites.
Keywords: Digital technologies, Digital preservation, Archaeological and Historical sites, Preservation, Urban management.