Enhancing Transportation Efficiency with the Aid of GNSS-RTN Technology


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Anwer Jassim1, Helen Sirwan Smail Hasan2
1: Salahaddin University-Erbil – College of Engineering – Geomatics Engineering Department.
2: Salahaddin University-Erbil – College of Engineering – Civil Engineering Department.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31972/iceit2024.045


Modern cities are confronted with the problem of satisfying the increasing need for mobility while having limited infrastructural capacity. GNSS-RTN is a crucial technology that is dependent on a satellite’s precise positioning for tracking traffic engineering patterns and enhancing transportation efficiency. The accurate location and the real-time data updating are the main elements for route optimization, safety raising, and cost-effectiveness in achieving integration with smart cities. The current research presents a new approach to enhancing the efficiency of the transportation system of Erbil City by implementing a GNSS-RTN application that can aid in overcoming many problems and obstacles in transportation and traffic issues. Issues like delay mitigation, accident rate reduction, fuel usage, and carbon emission reduction can be addressed by combining GNSS with Real-Time Networks (RTN). The proposed application concerns the establishment of a central server of data processing and an effective database for monitoring and granting the required support for cases of road accidents or any other problems.

Keywords: GNSS-RTN, Traffic enhancement, CORS, Delay, Congestion

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