Jehan M. Sheikh Suleimany1*; Shuokr Qarani Aziz 2
1Department of Water Resources Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq:
2 Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
*Corresponding author:
The Climate change, vast change in land use and land cover due to infrastructure projects, rapid population growth increases water demand and in addition to improper management of surface and groundwater the water resources in Kurdistan region and Iraq has been affected the water resources. The goal of this work is to shed light on the current state of the water situation in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and attempt to address the fundamental causes of the issue. A nation that is currently under water stress may become one that is water scarce as a result of poor management of its water resources. Water resources in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq have significantly decreased in recent years; the country faces enormous challenges due to dwindling water supplies and sharply declining water quality. According to the research, there will be fewer frost days, more frequent heat waves, and an increase in the mean annual temperature of 2 °C by 2050. In addition to a 22% average reduction in runoff and a 9% mean annual average rainfall drop by 2050. The results demonstrate that management calls for a higher water council made up of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Water Resources, and cooperation with the Kurdistan Region authorities because solutions to utilize water resources begin there and spread to southern Iraq, the regions that pay the highest taxes due to mishandling of the water file. Concerns over water also need to be addressed globally and regionally.
Keywords: Climate change, environment, fresh water, global warming, precipitation, water quality.