Salem Tarhuni 1* Shad Sherzad 2 Shahd Ahmed 3
1,2,3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tishk International University, Erbil, KRG, Iraq
* Corresponding author
Erbil city has many natural landscapes that contribute with the tourism industry in the city and its parks play a role in this field. The city’s parks attract local people and foreign tourists. They provide nice environments that attract disabled people too. Nevertheless, those with disabilities face barriers while visiting the parks. The aim of the research is to study the accessibility of facilities for handicapped individuals in the Manara Park in Erbil and, to investigate the reasons behind unavailability of many requirements. The Qualitative research approach was adopted. Multiple methods were used for collecting information including a review of international codes and local regulations in the field, observations, and an interview. The study delineated the challenges encountered by those with disabilities while visiting this park. The findings demonstrated that a high percentage of observed items contradict to disabled people’s needs. The reasons behind the noncompliance are leniency of applying relevant regulations, the lack of local code of practice and, insufficient funding for refurbishment work at parks. Accessibility for all in terms of providing disabled people’s requirements will increase the disabled visitors to the parks in the city and contribute with improving their mood and health. The findings of this research will assist designers and decision makers in taking into account the needs of handicapped individuals towards ‘Parks for all’ concept.
Keywords: Disabled People; Accessibility; Park; Erbil; Iraq.