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event & workshop

Event & Workshop by Inwave Academy's experts.
  • Dr. Habil Jurgen Bast

    • Dr. Barend Wind

      • 02.speakers

        Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia lorem ipsum hasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor...
        daniel nguyen
      • Dr. Paolo Monesi

        • Dr. Rodrigo Lozano

          • Dr. Hassan Bevrani

            Nulla at nulla justo, eget luctus tortor. Nulla facilisi aliquet egesta
            purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputateligula lacinia scelerisque temporlacus lacus


            Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis tempor
            dictum feugiat, cipitur sat.

            schedule does not exist

            night party and rest time

            schedule does not exist

            05. Registration

            Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis tempor
            dictum feugiat, cipitur sat.

            Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia lorem ipsum hasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor…

            daniel nguyen
            Co-FOunder of inwavethemes

            Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia lorem ipsum hasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor…

            daniel nguyen
            Co-FOunder of inwavethemes

            Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia lorem ipsum hasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor…

            daniel nguyen
            Co-FOunder of inwavethemes
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            Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis
            tempor dictum feugiat, cipitur sat.

            Extended-Cyclic Operators

            Nareen Bamerni

            1 Department of Mathematics, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



            In this paper, we study new classes of operators on separable Banach spaces which are called extended-cyclic operators and extended-transitive operators. We study some properties of their vectors which are called extended-cyclic vectors. We show that if  is an extended-cyclic vector for , then  is also an extended-cyclic vector for  for all . Then, we show the extended-cyclicity is preserved under qsuasi-similarity. Moreover, we prove that an operator is extended-cyclic if and only if it is extended-transitive. As a consequence, the set of all extended-cyclic vectors is a dense and  set. Finally, we find some spectral properties of these operators. Particularly, the point spectrum of the adjoint of an extended-cyclic operator has at most one element of modules greater than one. Moreover, if the spectrum of an operator has a connected component subset of , then  is not extended-cyclic.

            Key Words: Extended-Cyclic, Banach spaces, G_δ set.

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            Purely semismall Compressible Modules

            1 College of Education for pure science, Diyala University        

            2 Computer Engineering, Al-mansur University College    

            3 College of science, Diyala University






             Let R be a ring with 1 and D be unitary left Module over R. In this paper, we present purely semi small compressible Modules. Also, we give remarks and examples, many properties of such Modules are investigated.

            Key Words:

            Semi small Submodule,  prime Modules, pure Modules, semi small compressible Module.

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            • +84 04 1234 566 66