The Hungarian excavations at Grd-iTle (Ranya-Plain) – SUE Conferences

The Hungarian excavations at Grd-iTle (Ranya-Plain)

The Hungarian excavations at Grd-iTle (Ranya-Plain)

Gábor Kalla – Tamás Dezső

DOI: 10.31972/ISCAHKRD19.009

The Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Kurdistan (Iraq) lead by Tamás Dezső and Gábor Kalla (Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences)conducted excavations since 2016 at Grd-i Tle, in the Ranya Plain of Iraqi Kurdistan.

The site of Grd-iTlestands at a strategic location near Saruchawa village, in the north-western fringe of the Ranya Plain (36°15′16″ N, 44°45′21″ E; fig. 1). Before our program,the only fieldwork on this tell settlement was the brief survey of a Japanese team in2015.

Our five-year planned archaeological program had three basic goals. The main aim was to investigate a local Neo-Assyrian centreat the borderlands of the Empire. The available data suggested such a role for Grd-i Tle. The second aim was to establish a sequence stratigraphy of this settlement and to make a ceramic chronology for the region with it. The third goal was to make a detailed topographic survey for the site.

Preliminary reports about the campaigns 2016 and 2017 are Dezső et al., 2016 and Dezső et al,2017.


The geophysical survey is planned for the next campaign in September 2019.


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Dezső, T., Kalla, G., Mordovin, M., Masek, Zs. – Nóra Szabó – Barzan Baiz Ismail – Kamal Rasheed – Attila Weisz – Lajos Sándor – Ardalan Khwsnaw – Aram Ali Hama Amin (2016) Grd-i Tle 2016. Preliminary Report of the Hungarian Archaeological Mission of the Eötvös Loránd University to Grd-i Tle (Saruchawa) in Iraqi Kurdistan. Dissertationes ArchaeologicaeSer. 3/ 4, pp. 233-240.

Dezső, T. and Mordovin, M.(2016) The first season of the excavation of Grd-i Tle. The Fortifications of Grd-i Tle (Field 1) Dissertationes ArchaeologicaeSer. 3/4, pp. 241–262.

Dezső, T., Kalla, G., Bödőcs, A., Ismail, B. B., Fülöp K., Szabó, N., Király, A., Khwshnaw, A., Németh, V., Németh, F. and Amin, A. A. H. (2017), Preliminary Report on the Hungarian Archaeological Mission (Eötvös Loránd University) at Grd-i Tle (Saruchawa) in Iraq.: Second Season (2017). Dissertationes ArchaeologicaeSer. 3/5, pp. 361-392.

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