Second International Scientific Conference On The History Of Kurds And Kurdistan Entitled: Erbil in Historical Sources: Reading & Evaluation


وقائع المؤتمر

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Under the auspices of

the president of the University of Salahaddin – Erbil


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezayi


The Department of History

 College of Arts


 Will Hold Its Second International Scientific Conference On The History Of Kurds And Kurdistan Entitled:


Erbil in Historical Sources:

Reading & Evaluation


April  10 – 11. 2019

Important Dates 


– 10/12/2018  the last day for receiving abstracts.  Authors full name, address ,Email, phone number and five keywords should be written with the abstract.

– 15/12/2018 Sending  abstracts ( Accept or Apology) notifications to authors.

– 10/3/2019 is the last date for receiving full papers.

– 25/3/2019 Sending papers (Accept or Apology) notifications to the authors.

– 10 – 11/4/2019 convening of the conference.


  • The conference accepts papers in Kurdish, Arabic and English languages, on condition that it was not published or presented in previous conference.

  • Taking into consideration the application of historical methodology in writing the papers, and that its subjects within the topics of the conference.

  • The paper must not exceed (25) pages and no less than (15) pages. Five key words should be written on the first page after authors full name, address and Email.

  • The papers must be printed in (Unicode- Times New Roman) , the title typed with font (16) bold, author name, sub-titles with font (14) bold , paper content with font (14) , the footnotes with font (12).

 Papers accepted in the conference will be published in a special volume on the proceedings of the conference.

لێژنەى ئامادەکارى (اللجنة التحضيرية):
سه‌رۆك د. موسا محه‌مه‌د خدر 1
جێگر پ.د. خه‌لیل عه‌لی موراد 2
ئه‌ندام پ.د. سه‌عدی عوسمان هه‌روتی 3
ئه‌ندام پ.د. قادر محەمەد حەسەن 4
ئه‌ندام پ.د. احمد ميرزا ميرزا 5
ئه‌ندام پ.د. حه‌كیم ئه‌حمه‌د مام به‌كر 6
ئه‌ندام د. دڵشاد مه‌حمود عه‌بدولرِه‌حمان 7

لێژنەى زانستى (اللجنة العلمية):

سه‌رۆك- عيراق پ.د. خه‌لیل عه‌لی موراد 1
ئه‌ندام – عيراق پ.د. سه‌عدی عوسمان هه‌روتی 2
ئه‌ندام – عيراق پ.د. ئه‌رسه‌ن موسا ڕه‌شید 3
ئه‌ندام – عيراق پ.د. ئه‌حمه‌د عه‌بدولعه‌زیز مەحمود 4
ئه‌ندام – عيراق پ.د. قادر محه‌مه‌د حه‌سه‌ن 5
ئه‌ندام – عيراق پ.د. ئاكۆ بورهان محه‌مه‌د 6
ئه‌ندام – تونس پ.د. ئیبراهیم محەمەد سەعداوی 7
ئه‌ندام – توركيا پ.د. ئيبراهيم ئۆزوجوشار 8
ئه‌ندام – پۆله‌ندا د. جوانا بوجانسکا 9
ئه‌ندام – ئێران پ.د. ئیسماعیل مەحمود شەمس 10
ئه‌ندام – بريتانيا پ.د. ئەحمەد عەبدولڵا حەسۆ 11
ئه‌ندام – ميسر پ.د. سەڵاح ئەحمەد هرێدى 12

لێژنەى پێشوازى و میواندارى (اللجنة الاستقبال والضيافة):

سه‌رۆك پ.د. حەکیم ئەحمەد مام بەکر 1
ئه‌ندام د. دلێر فەرحان ئیسماعیل 2

د. کامەران عەلى فەتحولڵا

ئه‌ندام م. هۆشمەند باپیر عثمان 4
ئه‌ندام م. تابان سەباح پیرباڵ 5
ئه‌ندام م. ئارەزوو یوسف حەسەن 6
ئه‌ندام کاروان جەوهەر محەمەد 7
ئه‌ندام قاسم محەمەد فەرەج 8
ئه‌ندام چیمەن عەلى یابە 9
ئه‌ندام ڤارنا عەونى محەمەد 10
ئه‌ندام ساکار عەبدولغەفوور 11

لێژنەى دارايى (اللجنة المالية):

سه‌رۆك پ.د. ئەحمەد میرزا میرزا 1
ئه‌ندام پ.ى. رابیعە فەتاح شێخ محەمەد 2
ئه‌ندام م. مستەفا محەمەد کەریم 3
ئه‌ندام  م.ى. دڵزار صالح صادق 4
ئه‌ندام ئاراس عەبدولڵا محەمەدعەلى 5

لێژنەى چاپ و لۆجیستى (اللجنة الطبع واللوجستي):

سه‌رۆك پ.د. قادر محەمەد حەسەن 1
ئه‌ندام پ.ى.د. ئازاد عوبێد ساڵح 2
ئه‌ندام د. کامەران محەمەد حاجى 3
ئه‌ندام م. هاوکار کەریم حەمەشریف 4

لێژنەى ئایتى و سکرتاری (اللجنة IT و سكرتارية):

سه‌رۆك د. دڵشاد مەحمود عەبدولڕەحمان 1
ئه‌ندام م. جوامێر محەمەد رەشید 2
ئه‌ندام م. هەوراز جەوهەر مەجید 3
ئه‌ندام م. لەنجە تەلعەت عوبێد 4

Topic One – Ancient history sources:

   A – Ancient inscriptions.

   B – Classic historical writings.


Topic Two -Medieval Islamic sources.

  A –General Histories.

  B – Biographies ( Tarajum & Tabaqat books)

  C – History of cities & states.

  D – Books of geography and travels.

  E- Literature books.

  F – Manuscripts.

  G – Encyclopedias.



Topic Three – Modern and contemporary history sources.

  A – Unpublished documents.

  B- Published documents and official printings.

  C – Manuscripts and history books.

  D –Books of travel.

  E – Memoirs, autobiographies and private papers.

  F – News papers & magazines.

  G – Oral history.

  H –Political party’s publications.

Type of Registration Fee
Salahaddin university affiliation paper free
Non- Salahaddin university affiliation paper free
Visitor free

 Erbil is one of the oldest human settlements in the Middle East for its history dates back to nearly 7000 years, the city today is the capital of Kurdistan Region – Iraq. Despite the relative interest in the history of this city and its surroundings by the historians & scholars in the academic institutions of Kurdistan region during the few previous decades, but that interest is not fit with the historical importance of the city .For this reason, the above mentioned title was chosen for this conference in the hope of achieving three important goals. The first one is to highlight the basic historical sources of Erbil since ancient history, through medieval Islamic, modern and contemporary history, and evaluating the contents of these sources. The second goal is drew the attention of scholars to these sources, hoping that this will motivate them to study the history of Erbil objectively according to basic historical sources. The third goal is that this conference be an impulse for the relevant authorities in Kurdistan Region – Iraq to establish a studies centre for the history of Erbil, undertakes the task of collecting and documenting the written, visual and oral historical sources of Erbil. This centre could develop later to an archive includes the documents, manuscripts and other historical sources about Kurds and Kurdistan.  

كات و شوێنی كۆنفراس: (10-11)/2019/4 سەنتەری ڕۆشنبیری و كۆمه‌ڵايه‌تيى زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین

بۆ زانیاری زیاتر پەیوەندی بەم ئیمەیڵە بكەن:

Each accepted paper will receive an international identification code – the “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI), which is registered with the International DOI Foundation.

The conference proceeding also has ISSN which is issued from international standard serial number.

(پ.د. محسن محمد حسین)

(پ.د. محمد ئاکباش)